How to start

Mission Statement

TNT is a family and a gym. We are all about people implementing a small step in the right direction, today not tomorrow. If you want bells, whistles, and fancy saunas we are not for you. We guide people towards being 1% better through highly varied, functional movements, executed at relatively high intensity. We change lives through education and caring. We will teach you, encourage you, and provide tough love when needed. Our main objective is for our clients to be energetic, capable, and independent when they are 90 years old.

TNT Rules

1. Language  

We are positive, encouraging, and honest. We try our best to lift ourselves and others up. This community is more important than the exercises we perform. Negativity and gossip will not be tolerated at TNT Fitness.

2. Leave the gym better than you found it.

 An organized gym is a safe gym. Wipe down the equipment that you have used. Put back all the weights and equipment that you have used in the session. When all your stuff is put away, help someone else out. 

3. Coaching, coaching, coaching.

This is what you are here for and what you pay for. The coaches have your best intentions in mind, listen to them. If you fail to follow the coach's direction then you are putting yourself and other clients in danger. Adding weight is easy, reversing an injury is hard. Also, members don’t coach other members.

4. Move like you care.

We don’t care how much you lifted. We don’t care what your time was. We care that you move as well as possible. We care that you challenge your own comfort level to an appropriate degree.

5. Pain is not weakness leaving the body.

You are encouraged to push your comfort zone. Breathing hard, fast-beating heart, and the feeling of muscle “burn” leads to progress. Doing any movement that causes sharp pain, tingling, or similar discomfort is not only discouraged, but it’s also prohibited. Tell the coach about it and they’ll give you another movement for the workout.

6. Respect the timeline.

All sessions start in a timely manner. If you are late, the coach will give you a special warm-up assignment. This is not a penalty. It’s a safety precaution to make sure you are ready to train. All sessions run on a tight timeline. Please don’t distract from coaches' briefings and instructions. Important information will be missed and the training quality decreased.


Monday-5:00AM - 7:30PM
Tuesday-5:00AM - 8:00PM
Wednesday-5:00AM - 8:00PM
Thursday-5:00AM - 7:30PM
Friday-5:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturday-8:00AM - 11:00AM
Sunday-8:30AM - 10:00AM


How to start at TNT?

Sit down with a coach for a free 30 minute “No Sweat Intro”.

You will schedule a day and time to come to TNT with one of our coaches and get a tour of the facility, discuss your goals and talk one on one about your unique personal fitness/injury history. At TNT, we don’t have a cookie cutter approach to fitness because your goals and needs are different just like all our members are as well. During the “No Sweat Intro” your coach will tell a brief history about TNT and explain to you all of the program choices. This way your personal coaches can help lead you in the best direction for your fitness goals.

We have a lot of options available for you:

Personal training: 30 minutes or 60 minute sessions

Fit50 group class: 50 minutes

Fit30 group class: 30 minutes

PowerFit group class: 60 minutes

Habit-based nutrition coaching

To schedule your 30 minute “No Sweat Intro” email or call 636-328-3701

Why is the personal training more expensive than the group classes?

Personal training gives you the attention that’s needed at the beginning stages. One on one training with a full time fitness coach has a premium and it’s 100% worth it because you will get serious results with personal attention to detail.

Fit30  Questions

What is this a class?

We will do functional movements such as squatting, running, lifting, and etc. We will do higher intensity work such as short workouts, intervals, and etc. The workouts will change daily to keep things fresh and exciting. Swift does not have high skill gymnastics movements, heavy lifting, and olympic lifts. These require more time and we are looking to get a fast and effective workout done.

Do I have to be fit to take a Fit30 class?

The class is beginner friendly. All movements can be modified and scaled. The coaches will have several ways to make the workouts more or less challenging depending on your needs and goals.

What does a class look like?

The class is 30 min long. Each class will start with a general warm-up to make sure you are ready to increase the intensity. The next part of the workout will be technique work. The coach will help you get the movements right that will be done in today’s workout. The group will then do the daily workout. After the workout there will be a short cool down work or a little bit of accessory work depending on what the focus of the day is.

Do you have long term contracts?

No. We only require a 30 day cancellation notice.