I've been with the gym for 13 years, as a member, worker, and now as a coach. I love this gym and want to do anything I can to help out. My wife (Michelle) and my daughter (Alison) also attend classes at TNT, and it's a real treat to have the family together in our fitness journey.
Favorite CF Movement:
Snatch. Nothing feels better than a well-performed snatch.
Least favorite Movement:
Toes-to-bar. I used to be much better at them, but now? Yeesh.
Started CF: 2009, when TNT first moved into our current building.
Favorite thing about being a fitness professional:
Being a part of someone meeting their goals is so much fun.
Favorite Hobbies Outside of Fitness:
Magic: The Gathering, Twitch streaming, reading, Missouri State University sports.
Personal Fitness Achievement I'm Most Proud Of:
Qualifying for Pan-Ams at 47 years old, snatching 220# (100 kg).
USA Weightlifting Masters National and Pan-Ams Qualified, (soon to be) Crossfit Level 1 Certification