

Fit30 is a fast, fun and effective fitness class.

This is great for you that are looking to boost your metabolism, feel better, and have a fun time working out. The classes are 30 min long with 19 classes a week to choose from. This is a great fit for your busy schedule that still allows you to hit the gym. The coach will lead you through a warm-up, help you dial in the technique of the movements, and take you through a great workout. The combination of higher repetition lifting and cardio will give you the fat burning effects you are looking for.

Swift times:

Monday 6am, 12pm, 7p

Tuesday 6am, 12pm, 5pm, 730pm

Wednesday 6am, 12pm

Thursday 6am, 12pm, 5pm, 730pm

Friday 6am, 12pm, 6p

Saturday 8am & 10:30am

Sunday 8:30am

Fit30 Motto

- I promise to work hard, move well, and spread positivity. The exercises are important, however, it’s nothing compared to my sleep and nutrition. This is a fierce competition. It’s me against me and I don’t have the option of giving up. I give myself props for my achievements and know that the journey never really ends. That is fine because I enjoy the process.

Unlimited Fit30 classes are $119 per month. Drop in visits are $15 per class. We also offer a 10 visit pass for $135.  The difference between Fit30 and Fit50 is that there are no barbells, no high skill gymnastics or heavy lifting in the Fit30 classes. 

This is a challenging and fast paced workout.  Removing the barbell work makes it faster to set-up and learn the movements. If you can not spend several hours on working out but your goal is to improve your fitness, health, and feel better, this class is for you. Click on the link below to get signed up for the Fit30 classes. If you are new to Mindbody you will need to create a profile. The membership auto-renews every 30 days. The membership starts on whichever day you sign up.

Follow the link below if you want to sign up for a membership or purchase our intro offer that's 3 Fit30 classes for $10 in 10 days. 

Sign Up Here

If you have any questions please call Oscar at 636 - 328-3701 or email


Is this a CrossFit class?

  Yes and NO, we will do functional movements such as squatting, running, lifting, and etc. We will do higher intensity work such as short workouts, intervals, and etc. The workouts will change daily to keep things fresh and exciting. What Swift does not have are high skill gymnastics movements, heavy lifting, and olympic lifts. These require more time and we are looking to get a fast and effective workout done. 

Do I have to be fit to take a Swift class?

The class is beginner friendly. All movements can be modified and scaled. The coaches will have several ways to make the workouts more or less challenging depending on your needs and goals.

What does a class look like?

The class is 30 min long. Each class will start with a general warm-up to make sure you are ready to increase the intensity. The next part of the workout will be technique work. The coach will help you get the movements right that will be done in today’s workout. The group will then do the daily workout. After the workout there will be a short cool down work or a little bit of accessory work depending on what the focus of the day is.